Follow these habits to top your examinations! During times of decision, we all would love to take advice from a professional to guide us. Here we have Mr. Expert to guide you to crack the exam easily and score good marks with healthy habits without night study. Let us see what Mr. Expert says.

Hi friends, I am Mr. Expert to help you knock out the hard question papers and excel 100%. Let me help you with some tips and tactics for a smart student life.

Stop Learning and start Researching

Always have a special interest in everything you do. How to grow a special interest?Fun fact: 90% of your brain is active when you solve the questions yourself? That is why our brain functions well when we indulge in brain activity like puzzles and chess. Follow these steps to involve your brain interest in studies, like in games.

  • Explore more information about the topic outside of the book through advanced tools like Google and YouTube videos.
  • Relate the topic to current news and events; this enhances a strong logical understanding of the concept.
  • Always try to relate topics to each other; this helps you put your knowledge into practice.

The effect of scribbling

Start writing, no matter what!

Fun fact: As students, we love writing in pencil. At our first standard, we used to get colorful pencils in Apsara and Natraj, then our writing interest was promoted to pen in Hero, and Reynolds. As per Dr. Geil Matthews, pen + paper = 42% more likely goal achievement So, we always have an attraction to writing.

  • Always maintain a scribble notepad, and make sure you take notes only with hints while you listen.
  • Use a pen that is comfortable to scribble; notes need not be beautiful; they must help you recall the connecting points while you listen.
  • These notes are particularly important during your exam preparation, especially before you enter the exam hall. They are sufficient to help you remember the points.

The Power of Recalling

As a student of higher education, you may be attending special classes and revision classes before a month of examinations. This is to boost your recalling power, but this must be practiced on a routine basis. Let us see how you can make it effective.

  • Always try to allocate 1 hour of your time in the evening to recollect what you listened to in the class and then end up with the silent reading.
  • Try to recall the entire day’s events before going to bed; this will alert your brain effectively.

My healthy diet

As your phone needs a charge to withstand the day, your brain equally needs energy to boost you. As per the doctor’s recommendation, it is suggested that your brain needs 6–7 hours of sleep for active functioning.

  • The best time to go to bed is 9 p.m., and the best time to wake up is 6 a.m. This healthy sleep routine will rapidly develop your brain functions.
  • Eating fresh fruits and vegetables and making sure to consume at least 3 liters a day—these food habits can actively optimize your energy level at the core.

Its Gametime

An active sport or brain activity enhances your thinking skills. Engaging yourself in team activities or team participation, like project presentations or conducting stalls during sports days, brings out leadership and other qualities. QUALITIES ARE CREATED, NOT BORN! Follow our blog page for more upcoming knowledge tips, fun facts, and tips on how to excel in your academic life. Stay tuned with Mr. Expert!

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